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Tree health

Invaio’s unique Trecise™ technology can help protect tree health while reducing the use of pesticides, water and nutrients.

Caring for the whole grove and its environment

By using our Trecise™ technology, we can enable growers to replace foliar-spray chemicals with more nature-positive solutions.

Our approach to tree health is a holistic one – solving crop health challenges without creating new problems. When growers use conventional foliar sprays or drenches, only a proportion of the treatment reaches the target pest or disease. The remainder is not only wasted, but can also have unintended consequences, such as building up residues in the soil and groundwater or harming beneficial insects.

We are developing a suite of solutions to address these challenges in a way that’s better for farmers, their crops and the environment.


Our tree health solutions

We’re helping growers to solve problems that currently have no effective solutions. We prioritize situations where growers need solutions that can address damaging pests or diseases that affect not only their yields, but also their livelihoods and communities. We are working to develop tree health options around:
Biological active ingredients
Biological active ingredients

These include biostimulants and naturally occurring peptides.

Better nutrition

A variety of micronutrients to promote tree health and resilience.

Fewer synthetics
Fewer synthetics

We aim to greatly reduce the amount of sprayed or soil-applied active ingredients for the same or better effect.

The delivery of these treatments is enabled by:

Trecise™ infusion technology

Our Trecise™ technology reduces the volume of active ingredients needed, increasing efficiency and efficacy through minimally invasive infusion into the tree’s vascular system. It also minimizes worker and environmental exposure.

Digital solutions

Our proprietary digital solutions can track and trace treatments, enhancing their performance through sensing, analytics and tailored diagnostics.

We’re working in association with leading growers and research institutions as well as with global brands, producers and large-scale citrus growers in the USA and Brazil.